- A Spectrum of Thoughts -

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Succor of Silence

(Expo ’70 Site, Osaka, Japan, March 1995)

alone… at dusk,

in this vast, open-space;
away from the rat-race,
the silence, I embrace.

silence: a reprieve!
a balm to calm qualm,
a soup to soothe seethe,
anise to ease unease.

silence is PEACE!

(silence is
not simply the absence of sound
not solely determined by ear.

silence is
the absence of thought
the nonexistence of sensation.

silence is an interlude, an in-between:
the pause between breaths
the respite between words
the gap between musical notes
the lull between drips in a leak
the break between ticks of a clock
the interval between heartbeats
the hiatus between feelings.)

- between
din and din
is silence.

(c) Chito L. Aguilar

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