- A Spectrum of Thoughts -

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Take Me Wandering (Where Dreams Are)

(Wander into Dream, Dream into Wonder)

take me wandering where dreams are
where woes melt upon grass so fair
and anguish thaws like ice in jar
where new sun withers all despair.

fly my soul from pit forsaken
and rest my weary heart forlorn
on drifting clouds I be taken
where hope in me may be reborn.

lift my spirit to heights above
to where no one has ever been
where I can flounder much in love
with nymph of beauty yet unseen.

take me wandering where dreams are
so I may find my God in dream
while here on earth as all men are
in transience, I cease not, to dream.

- between
wondering and wandering
is dreaming.

(c) Chito L. Aguilar

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