- A Spectrum of Thoughts -

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Phil's Pledge

(i vow to stray not anymore
i come to leave you nevermore.)

clouds nimbus on Olympus toss
the isthmus of East must I cross
imperiled, empowered I sail
so tempest tossed in gale and hail.
lament no more and wait ashore
i come to leave you nevermore.

the rains on plains and mountains pour
the waves of raves on shores uproar
the wine in Time turns sour, impure
the roses, soon they lose allure.
i vow to stray not anymore
i come to leave you nevermore.

a nomad tires of trysts and treats
from wet caverns camel retreats
oasis soon dries up its spring
sweet posies wilt and lose their thing.
i swear to stay forevermore
i come to leave you nevermore.

the light of home as always warms
the sound of children’s laughter charms
the hugs of loving arms I miss
at home we live in wedded bliss.
lament no more and wait ashore
i come to leave you nevermore.

- between
going-astray and coming-home
is resolution.

(c) Chito L. Aguilar

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