- A Spectrum of Thoughts -

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rebirth from Death of Childhood

(All adults passed the road through childhood.
The rise of adulthood is demise of childhood.
May the verses here akin to nursery rhymes, make us revisit
the road of child-ignorance, sans the load of adult-arrogance.)

embrace the tacit laughter of yesteryears
as though your last cherished treasure.
clowns and conical hats do fade away;
nursery rhymes, we outgrow then cast away;
but erase not the dreams and whims of childhood.
time is a scale that weighs yokes and hopes.
exactly as the weight of adversity bears on you,
rekindle flames of your early years; and then
as the child in you is reborn, so will you be.

childhood-chime and adulthood-prime
is withstood-time.

child’s dream and adult’s whim
is fancy cream.)

- tolerance is between ignorance and arrogance.

(c) Chito L. Aguilar

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