- A Spectrum of Thoughts -

Monday, June 7, 2010

Perpetual Pursuit

(From where have we come, from whom are our genes?
We are in perpetual pursuit of our true origins;
like night and day in a chase unending, ever since.)

with its cloak of darkness, night chases day
day tracks night with its mantle of light ray
this primordial pursuit goes on and on
cosmic sport endless, where one catches none.

like us, in our endless quest for our genetic root
as we trace our origins in search for the truth
in vestiges of the past and artifacts ancient
in ruins and remnants of great empires transient.

a question terrestrial; an answer celestial!
a puzzle genetic; a solution galactic!

- the universe
is between
small particle and big bang

(c) Chito L. Aguilar

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